Product FAQ

When you are in search of an answer to solving a problem related to a product, check out this helpful Product FAQ page. This area is for answering all common questions related to our products.

Don’t see a category you need, reach out & we will gladly assist 🙂

Manual Wheelchair

Manual wheelchair FAQs can help when you need to better understand these types of wheelchairs and what they can help you do!


Scooter FAQs can help when you need help troubleshooting a problem or simply to learn more about these amazing products.

Power Wheelchair

Power wheelchair FAQshelp to answer all questions related to owning, renting,purchasing, or tinkering with power wheelchairs. 

Bed & Mattress

Medical Bed FAQs can help when you need questions answered about our beds.



Respiatory FAQs can help you with better understanding our o2 equipment.

Rehab Equipment

Use Rehab Equipment FAQs for a better understanding of our rehab process.

Patient Lift

Patient Lift FAQs can help when you need questions answered.


Lift Chair

Lift Chair FAQs can help you with better understanding your new equipment.

Bath Safety

Bath Safety FAQs can help when you need questions answered.


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